Meath Hunt Ladies Side Saddle Meet Saturday 19/01/2013
Ladies & Gentlemen as you many already know on the 19th January at 11am the Meath Hunt are hosting a Ladies Side Saddle meet in Boyerstown, Navan Co. Meath.
We have Lady riders joining us from all over the world and they are bringing a large following.
Pre Hunt Gathering champagne reception 8pm Friday 18/01/2013
On the Friday night @ 8pm in the Knightsbrook Hotel we have organized a Pre Hunt Gathering where we will have a champagne reception at 8pm followed by music and finger food. That night we will have a raffle and auction of some of the sponsorship prizes such as Dubarry Boots, Bontanic Hampers, Wake Up with MakeUp vouchers etc. All welcome so please do come and make these people welcome.
Huntball Saturday 19/01/2013
The hunt is on the Saturday where we will hopefully set a new record for the number of Ladies Hunting, following this we have the Huntball.
The hunt is on the Saturday where we will hopefully set a new record for the number of Ladies Hunting, following this we have the Huntball.
Huntball Tickets still available so if interested contact Susan 086 0842994